Fellow Stagg Pro EKG – Electric Kettle – Black
220.00€ (VAT Included)Αποστόλη σε 2-3 εργάσιμες ημέρες.
Undoubtedly the most common method of preparation, the French type has to do with the details. Along with measuring coffee and water, it is important to focus on the schedule: when to break the crust, when to carry the coffee.
Boil about 600 ml. water, more water than you need for brewing. You will use it for the preparation as well as for the preheating of the French press.
Once the kettle is boiling, preheat the French press to about 100ml. water in it. Once the French press has warmed up, pour the same water into your cups to preheat them.
Weigh the coffee. Adjust your grinder to grind the coffee coarsely.
Place the French press on the scales and reset it. Add the ground coffee, again to zero.
Set the timer for 4-6 minutes. A shorter cooking time will have a slimmer body and a more aromatic result, while the longer production time gives us a fuller body and a balanced result!
Start the timer as you start pouring the hot water, covering all the coffee.
The coffee grounds will float above the water and form a crust. Let it sit for 1 minute. This essential step allows the coffee to be degassed, allowing the water to render the coffee dynamic.
After 1 minute, break the crust with a spoon with a downward motion. Start stirring the coffee regularly every 10-30 seconds so that it does not stick to the bottom of the French press. This will ensure complete and uniform export.
Stop stirring 1 minute before the timer opens to finally allow the soil to settle to the bottom. This will help keep some sediment out of your cup.
Insert the plunger into the French press and gently push it up to ½ ”over the coffee grounds layer at the bottom.
Pour the water while preheating the cups and serve the coffee.
Coffee & Water
300 g water | 21 gr coffee
Recommended Grind
Gross grind
Αποστόλη σε 2-3 εργάσιμες ημέρες.